Thursday 21 November 2013


Okay, the moment is over. I'm really excited for the tour and everything but I don't think they need another blogpost dedicated to them...

What I really wanted to talk about is the amaaaaazing video to Girls by The 1975. If you haven't seen it yet a) WHY NOT?! and b) It will change your life. Its weird and clever and funny and bizarre, basically everything you need in a music video.
It hits back at all the abuse they got for the Sex video, which by the way is also very good. *WHO CARES IF ITS IN COLOUR, GO HOME*
 Anyway, the video starts with the band stood talking about how it just isn't right, not them or what they're about. Matty says 'we're not a pop band, it needs to be black and white for a start' Which is obviously the musical equivalent of sticking your fingers up at the critics who described them as a pop group and many other predictable, boring cliches. Then it jumps into a video full of colour, models, sun and dodgy close ups.

 Basically the least indie thing ever.

 Well thats what I thought at first, but then seen as this is sad little me and I have nothing better to do I sat and thought about it. And now I've decided that the whole video is possibly the most indie thing ever... They're making fun of themselves and purposely putting their reputation in the firing line. No pop star or mainstream musician would ever do that. If they're the only ones doing it, it must be indie? I don't know, I have my own warped ideas of the world, but how I see it this is one of the smartest, most amazingly ironic videos of recent years. And for that, I love you The 1975 :)

Even if you don't like their music, watch it for the models.

In other news, its only 33 days until Christmas.

Sunday 10 November 2013

This is going to be my first real post, so bear with...
 Okay, so one of the things I love most in the world is music. All kinds of music but mostly (so I've been told) music for 17 year old boys. Bearing in mind this means bands like Two Door Cinema Club, Alt J, Bastille and Arctic Monkeys, I don't see it as a bad thing :) I am into the indie rock type stuff that's around, but I would never describe myself as indie- I love a bit of One Direction as much as the next girl.

Anyway, I have had a very exciting month so far (yes, I know its only the 11th) I have been very busy organising my entertainment for next year... So first I got tickets for The 1975, which I was VERY happy about. I have been a fan since Chocolate, and their album is amazing. 

Then I made a last minute decision to go and see Rizzle Kicks. They aren't my usual type of music, but I love their energy and personality and Jordan is just too gorgeous to miss. After having a quick look on twitter, ticketmaster and their website I found they were playing at Sheffield O2 Academy in February next year. Even better, the tickets were on sale the next day. So at 9am sharp I was logged on and ready to order.

It was only after both tickets had been posted I realised that they were the same week, in fact only two days apart! I think that is going to be a pretty awesome week...

Other gigs I'm going to:
X Factor Tour- Sheffield Motorpoint Arena
One Direction- Manchester City Etihad Stadium
The Vamps- Okay, I know the ticket aren't out yet but I definitely going!
Rizzle Kicks
The 1975

Please follow my amazing friend @katie1dwisker on twitter!

Saturday 9 November 2013

Hi I'm Briony and this is my first post. I've never done blogging before and I'm not sure what I'll write about yet... School, music, friends, all the important stuff :) WARNING... This may just turn into a place for me to rant.