Wednesday 22 January 2014


ITS THE NEW YEAR and all anyone is talking about is the new artists that will be 'doing big things' in 2014. Personally I see most of this as a load of rubbish because the majority have been signed to a record company since their 5th birthday (well, maybe not that young but close enough) So anyway I decided to do a series of posts about bands that I like, that have had singles out fairly recently. I'm not the coolest of the cool gang so its probably only new to me. But whatever.

Hudson Taylor, Second Best.
Irish folk-pop-sweet little songs duo. They are brothers Alfie and Harry and this song is one of those ones you can listen to on repeat. Its nothing ground breaking, but its a nice harmless little song. And their harmonies are beautifully smooth. This song is on their album Osea, which is definitely worth a listen. They're signed to Polydor which surprises me because its one of the biggest labels, not normally attracted to this sort of band.
As for the long run, I can't see them becoming the new Mumford and Sons, but they will have their devoted little group of fans and I will be one of them :)

Listen to them if you like:
                             Bob Dylan
                                I feel like its a cliché to say Mumford and Sons, but I'm going to anyway

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